3 Ways To Improve Blood Glucose Test Results
Reducing blood sugar and insulin levels is something I've talked about often with good reason. By doing so and improving insulin sensitivity you not only improve body composition, but also general health. So when you get your blood work done and these levels are checked, how does one improve blood glucose test results when measuring this? In this video, I go through how you can lower your score, which is an indicator of how your insulin sensitivity looks.
There are two take home messages here. First, do what you need to do in order to improve levels. Second, make sure you are getting your blood work done on a regular basis and monitoring your results.
Blood Sugar and Insulin Series (3 of 3): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV17w... Nutrition and fitness coaching: https://www.impactactioncoaching.com/ NANBF Natural Iowa: https://naturaliowamuscle.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryanjirwin/ https://www.instagram.com/nanbf_iowa/ Email for nutrition coaching inquires: ryan@impactactioncoaching.com