Since I train at home most of the time, I have the opportunity to train barefoot, which I usually do. For some reason, I just feel like I’ve got a better connection with the floor and balance in the process (which is kinda funny because I have extremely ticklish feet). This then carries into focusing on feeling the exercise target whatever muscle groups I’m focused on.

When executing an exercise, there is so much to concentrate on, including full range of motion, proper technique, tempo and many other aspects. Bottom line, the goal is to squeeze as much out of each repetition.
I’ve been training for a long time and I will submit that this focus is something that no one can master.
Going back to bare feet, it helps me make a better connection, which is also the reason I have never worn training gloves.

At the end of the day, taking each repetition not only to proper intensity, but also proper concentration will really ensure you get the most out of your training.
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