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The title of this post might be a bit misleading. We all know how to eat, and we're all in the mindset of eating the right things, but what I'm talking about here is actually making the time to eat the food.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that this can be a challenge for. I know this for a fact as I get this question from many of you as well.

Here are some tips that I use to make sure I don't have to skip meals:

1. Schedule it: I create blocks on my calendar and plan my week in advance, creating margin for when I would normally eat meals.

2. Be flexible: Sometimes I have to eat a bit earlier than I want but if I don't, I might end up being hours later and then I have a ton of food to try to get in.

3. Make it easy: Have a quick/easy option if you need it. While I love eating whole foods, I always have some quick options like a protein bar/powder, fruit and some almonds for example.

4. Plan ahead: Do meal prep as needed so you don't have to cook anything extra.

5. Review and identify habits: If there is a meal I'm constantly struggling with, I look at my schedule and determine a new time to eat it or maybe consolidate a meal permanently.

Whether you eat three or six times per day, you might find yourself in any of the situations above. Share below if you have any tips that you use to help stay ahead of the curve and make sure you get them meals in.



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